Friday, October 21, 2011

Working with a Young Lawyer

If you are in need of an attorney to help you with a legal problem, you might wonder why you would even consider hiring a young lawyer who has only recently passed the bar exam. After all, there are bound to be more experienced attorneys in your area who have many years of practice already under their belt.

But for those with an open mind, there are a few reasons why you might consider a young attorney. First, a young attorney will charge lower rates for their legal services. For a lawyer who is just starting to practice, it would be unreasonable to charge a client the same price as an attorney who has much more experience in the field. And for this reason, a prospective client could save money by choosing a young lawyer as their representative.

Second, a young attorney will have a strong desire to build a good reputation. Whereas experienced attorneys have already developed their reputation to a great extent, young attorneys are eager to get in the game and prove they belong. Because young attorneys are enthusiastic to start practicing law, they will work their hardest to provide effective representation and build a good name for themselves.

Finally, a young attorney will likely have fewer clients to serve. For that reason, the young lawyer should be able to give your matter more attention than an attorney with a large number of pending cases. And with more time to devote to your case, the lawyer may be able to develop a better attorney-client relationship.

This is not to say that a young attorney is for everyone. If you have an extremely complex problem that you feel would best be handled by an experienced attorney, then your best bet is to ask around and find a lawyer with a good reputation in your area. But if your matter is more straightforward, don't be afraid to ask a young lawyer for assistance. You might end up saving money, and could even develop a meaningful relationship in the process.

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